Current Projects
International Projects- Office Naval Research (ONR) 2024-2027: Theoretical Framework for Designing and Analyzing Resilient Smart Cyber Systems (rSCS). Partners: LIRIS - Lyon 1 - France and Arizona University - USA.
- PHC - Tassili 2018 - 2022: BiGreen: Big Graphs Algorithms on Distributed Architectures. Partners: LIRIS, LAAS, CERIST-Algiers.
- COST 2014 – 2019 (European Fund): BIG-SKY-EARTH. Partners: Croatia, Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, England, Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy, Germany, France, Israel, Canada and United States.
- PUF 2013-2018 (France - USA): Cybersecurity Collaboratory-Cyberspace Threat Identification, Analysis and Proactive. Partners: Arizona University, Illinois Urbana-Champaign University and Lyon 1 University.
- PHC Procope 2015 - 2017: S-GRAF: Self-stabilizing graph algorithms for safe, robust and fault-tolerant wireless networks. Partners: Lyon 1 University and Hamburg University of Technology.
- P2GE 2012-2014 (European Regions Fund): Labeled graph packings: Algorithms and Applications. Partners: AGH University - Poland, ULM University – Germany, Lyon 1 University - France.
National projects
- ANR GRADIENT 2022 - 2027 (French National Research Agency Fund): GRaphs and Algorithms for 3D proteIn structurE and dyNamics classificaTion. Partners: LIRIS, GBCM-CNAM and CGI.
- ANR CAIR 2015 - 2018 (French National Research Agency Fund): Recherche d’Information Agrégative et Contextuelle. Partners: IRIT, LIRIS, LAMSADE, DAVID (ex. PRISM) and TELECOM Sud Paris.
- ANR GAG 2015 - 2018 (French National Research Agency Fund): Games and Graphs. Partners: LIRIS, Institut Fourier, LaBRI, LIMOS and LAAS.
- PETASKY MASTODONS CNRS 2012-2016 Gestion et exploration des grandes masses de données scientifiques issues d’observations astronomiques grand champ. Partners: LIRIS, LIMOS, IN2P3, LPC, APC and LAL.
- FAAAWS PEPS CNRS 2015-2016 (CNRS Fund): Fondements et Applications de l’Agrégation des Avis sur le Web Social. Partners: LIRIS, LIG and LIMOS.
- RICA PEPS CNRS 2012-2014: (CNRS Fund) Recherche d'Information fondée sur le contexte et l'agrégation. Partners: IRIT, LIRIS, LAMSADE, DAVID (ex. PRISM) and TELECOM Sud Paris.
Regional projects
- R&D BOOSTER Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 2023-2025: SGREEB: Short circuit for GREEn Buildings. Partners: LIRIS and Companies of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region.
- R&D PULSALYS 2021-2022: Recommender system for a professional network. Partners : LIRIS, PULSALYS and SuperConnecter.
- R&D BOOSTER Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 2020-2023: SMArt PIlot - SMAPI: Chimical data analysis and process optimization. Partners: LIRIS and Companies of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region.
- SANTE-MOBILITE 2018-2021 (Laboratoire d'Excellence - Labex IMU Fund): Mobilités spatiales et conditions de travail des soignants dans l'Aire urbaine de Lyon : une exploration plurielle et méthodologique. Partners : LAET, EVS, UFR de Psychologie - Tours, UMRESTTE, ANACT, ARACT AURA, ARS AURA, SPS
- Mob-Access 2015-2016 (Laboratoire d'Excellence - Labex IMU Fund): Elaboration d'une plateforme pour l'observation et l'analyse des interactions entre mobilité et accessibilité à l'emploi et de leurs implications sur le territoire de l'aire métropolitaine lyonnaise. Partners : LAET, LIRIS and EVS.
- DISPER GRAPH 2013 - 2015 (Institute of Complex Systems - IXXI Fund): Modèles de graphes pour l’étude des causes et conséquences du comportement de dispersion chez les oiseaux. Partners : LIRIS and LBBE.
- KITE 2012-2015 (Laboratoire d'Excellence - Labex IMU Fund): Approche multiscalaire de l’environnement des kites : relations hommes/milieux et stratégies d’implantation et de subsistance en contexte urbain ancien. Partners : LIRIS and ArchéOrient.