2009-2012 | Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) and Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), PhD at the ENS Laboratoire de Géologie and at the IPGP Laboratoire de tectonique et mécanique de la lithosphère, Quantification of the coupling distribution along the Chilean subduction zone, Defended on December 13th, 2012, passed with highest honors. |
2008-2009 | IPGP, ENS Paris and University Paris-Diderot, Master (master's degree), Sciences for Earth and Planets (STEP), Equivalent to a specialisation in Geophysics, passed with 80% upwards. |
2007-2008 | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Agrégation Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre. Preparation for the national competitive exam to get the High School teacher authorization in Biology and Geology, option Geology, passed with rank 03 on 87 successful candidates. |
2006-2007 | ENS Lyon, Master first year, Physics and Chemistry of Earth and Planets - PCTP, equivalent to a specialisation in physics and chemistry of Earth. |
2005-2006 | Entered ENS Lyon, a selective university-level school training for research and teaching, "Junior" year "L3 Sciences de la Terre et des planètes", equivalent to a specialisation in Geology. |
2003-2005 | Lycée Clemenceau, Nantes, "Classe préparatoire aux grandes Ecoles en Biologie, Chimie, Physique, Sciences de la Terre" equivalent to a university-level preparation for competitive entrance exam to engineering schools, specialisation in Biology and Geology. |
2015-- | Lecturer, LGLTPE, Université de Lyon, France |
2013-2015 | Axa postdoctoral fellow, Centro Nazionale Terremoti, INGV, Roma |
2012-2013 | Teaching assistant, Laboratoire de tectonique et mécanique de la lithosphère, IPGP, Paris |
2009-2012 | PhD under the supervision of Christophe Vigny and Anne Socquet, Laboratoire de Géologie, ENS Paris - Laboratoire de tectonique et mécanique de la lithosphère, IPGP, Quantification of the coupling distribution along the Chilean subduction zone. 6 months spent in Chile for fieldwork and international collaboration
PhD Jury: Jean-Philippe Avouac (Caltech), Stéphane Mazzotti (Géosciences Montpellier), Rolando Armijo (IPGP), Raul Madariaga (ENS). |
jan-june 2009 | 6-month internship under the supervision of Christophe Vigny and Anne Socquet, Laboratoire de Géologie, ENS Paris, Determination of the coupling distribution on the Chilean subduction interface using GPS data. |
may-july 2007 | 3-month internship under the supervision of Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Institut de Ciences de la Terra Jaume Almera (ISTJA, Barcelone), Determination of the effective elastic thickness of Africa using spectral methods and satellite derived gravity model. |
may-june 2006 | 2-month internship under the supervision of Olivier Grasset, Planetology and Geodynamic Laboratory of Nantes University, Numerical simulation of a silicate sphere falling down in a high-pressure icy mantle : application to Callisto. |
Field work | Medium to long-term (2 months maximum) fieldwork missions in Chile, covering a 6-months period over 3 years.
Maintenance and installation of permanent and semi-permanent GPS networks, installation and measurement of campaign network in Central and Northern Chile (nov-dec. 2009, june 2010, dec. 2010, june 2011). Postseismic fieldwork with the LiA "Montessus de Ballore" team in the area affected by the Maule earthquake (Mw 8.8, 27th 2010). Organization of a s-GPS network measurement fieldwork in North Chile (may 2012). |
Modeling | Elastic modeling based on the DEFNODE code [Mc Caffrey, 2002]
strain rate derivation using SPARSE [Haines & Holt] |
Prix de thèse | Prix de thèse du "Monde" pour la recherche académique, catégorie "sciences dures", 2013
Thèse selectionnée par la section Géodesie du CNFGG pour la phase finale du prix, 2013. |
Autres | Bourse posdoctorale AXA, 2013-2015