Evolution of the library release by release
Last modified: Wed May 4 16:14:09 CEST 2005
This graph shows some measures of the library sources.
The number of lines sources does not count empty lines.
- Kernel: The library core.
- Widget: The widgets definitions.
- Regtest: The regressions tests.
- Headers: The prototypes (.h)
- Documentation: The user documentation in XML
- Patch: Size of the diff between two releases, it does not
counts spaces and blank lines.
- Number of regression tests.
This graph displays some run time size value for each
library release.
- Zmw_Size data structure contains the information
the current widget remember about its children.
- Zmw_Stackable_Uninheritable data structure contains information
about the current widget not herited by its children.
- Zmw_Stackable_Inheritable data structure contains information
about the current widget herited by its children.
- The library size is the size of the .so.
- VmData is the heap size used by the process.
The step on release 0.0.11 come from the use of Pango.
This graph displays some time value for each
library release.