Plugins display tree

Click on plugin names to see the details.






















































































Plugin execution order

role acls answers courses questions_comments session_graph action_destroy_student action_help answered_other cheaters cheaters_quick grade_recompute histogramgood question_change_answer question_redo question_source questions_svg session_once session_start session_stop statmenu_questions statmenu_students student_work answered change_acl options question_answer reload_questions statmenu_time about about_questions about_version action analyse autoeval comment cs_state evaluate exportcsv heart identity language map menu perfect_time question question_bad question_bads question_before question_comments question_correction question_good question_grades question_graph question_indices question_required question_stat questions_all questions_next questions_nomore session_activity session_deconnection session_duration session_informations spoiler statmenu statmenu_bad statmenu_good statmenu_nr_questions statmenu_rank title title_bar title_time ttl autoeval_stats competences questions real_name statmenu_indice log_age questions_shuffle statmenu_smiley reload_plugins about_time debug heart_content hide top

Plugin details

The attributes values are for the english language, all of them may change in other languages.

???? indicates a text computed (may be empty) computed by the plugin and that must be inserted in the page.

You can click on plugin attributes to see there definition.
Top level plugin. It defines the 3 columns of the page:
the left menu, the heart of the page and the administrator menu.

This plugin is the page composer, it must be
the last one to be executed.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.heart > DIV Pmax-width: 45em ;
.heart > DIV ULmax-width: 45em ;
option_set<function option_set at 0xb680cc44>
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
int_requiredThe answer must be an integer wrote in decimal.La réponse à cette question doit être un nombre entier écrit en décimal.
possible_answersPossible answers are: Les réponses autorisées sont :
string_expectedYour answer must contain: Dans votre réponse, on devrait trouver :
string_rejectedYour answer must not contain: Dans votre réponse, on ne doit pas trouver :
yes_or_noThis answer must be YES or NO.La réponse doit être OUI ou NON.
option_help"green" or "gray" The GUI theme.
The ACLS are not predefined, any plugin can add its own.

The roles ACLS may be defined in the user named after the role.

ACLS are taken from:
  * The default ACLs from plugin:
     acls = {'Default':('executable','hiddable'), 'Teacher':('!executable',)}
  * The ACLs from role
  * The student ACLs
     acls = {plugin_A:('executable',), plugin_B: ('!hiddable', )}
The code assume that :
  * The role of a role does not change
  * A role is a student: The ACLs of a role are the ACLs of the student
This plugin add links in the 'work done' page in order to
allow students to change an old good answer
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
/A.question_change_answerfont-size: 60% ;
/A.question_change_answer:beforecontent:' (change your answer)'content:' (Changer votre réponse)'
option_set<function option_set at 0xb6988b24>
option_help"integer" Define the time in seconds allowed to modify an answer once it has be accepted. The plugin 'question_change_answer' must be activated.
The left column in the page.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.box_titledisplay: block ;
/@media { display: none ; } ;
> DIVoverflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; min-width:100%; transition: max-width 0.5s; webkit-transition: max-width 0.5s; display: inline-block; z-index: 10 ; position: relative
> DIV > TABLE > TBODY > TR > TDwhite-space: nowrap ;
> DIV:hovermax-width: 25em; transition: max-width 2s; webkit-transition: max-width 2s ; overflow: visible
Display the identity of the connected user.
tipAll the informations about your identity and the current sessionCe bloc dont le titre est votre nom contient toutes les informations concernant votre identité et votre session en cours
If 15% of the questions are answered
and there is 4 hours without answers.
Then no more answers are allowed.
The student may see there answers.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
session_stoppedThe session is terminatedLa session est terminée
Display the realname of the student.
option_set<function option_set at 0xb6995c44>
option_default('', 0, '', '')
option_help"('', 636, 'login', 'password')" Set the LDAP connection information to retrieve student name and mail. The value is a python tuple.
Begin: ????? color:#999 size:70%
It rejects any work before the session start.
option_set<function option_set at 0xb680c1dc>
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
session_not_startedThe session is not yet startedLa session n'a pas encore commencée
tipSession start dateDate de début de la session
option_default09:00 1/1/2005
option_help"HH:MM DD/MM/YYYY" Set the examination start date. The value can be a Python dictionnary with student id as keys, the default value is defined by the empty ("") key.
End: ????? color:#999 size:70%
It rejects any work after the session stop.
option_set<function option_set at 0xb680c38c>
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
session_stoppedThe session is terminatedLa session est terminée
tipSession stop date.Date de fin de la session.
option_default19:00 1/1/2035
option_help"HH:MM DD/MM/YYYY" Set the examination termination date.
Remaining time: ????? color:#999 size:70%
Display the session duration.
tipTime before the session endTemps restant jusqu'à la fin de la session
javascript var remaining_seconds, starting_time ; function decrement_time(s) { remaining_seconds = s ; var now = new Date() ; starting_time = now.getTime() ; setInterval(update_time, 1000) ; } function duration(t) { var s ; var r = t % 60 ; var t = Math.floor(t / 60) ; if (r) { s = r ; if (t == 0) s += 's' ; } else s = "" ; r = t % 60 ; t = Math.floor(t / 60) ; if (t+r && (r != 0 || s != "")) s = r + "m" + s ; r = t % 24 ; t = Math.floor(t / 24) ; if (t+r && (r != 0 || s != "")) s = r + "h" + s ; r = t % 7 ; t = Math.floor(t / 7) ; if(t+r && (r != 0 || s != "")) s = r + "j" + s ; if (t) s = t + "s" + s ; return s ; } function update_time() { var now = new Date() ; var s = remaining_seconds - (now.getTime() - starting_time)/1000 ; s = s.toFixed(0) ; document.getElementById('remaining').innerHTML = duration(s) ; if ( s < 300 ) { document.getElementById('remaining').style.color = '#000' ; } if ( s < 60 ) { document.getElementById('remaining').style.background = '#F00' ; document.getElementById('remaining').style.color = '#FFF' ; } }
????? size:70%
Display session start/stop in one line.
tipSession begin and end datesDates de début et fin de session
Logout ????? color:red size:70%
The 'logout' button.
tipDeconnexion keep anyone to use your browser to answer the questionsLa déconnexion empêche quiconque d'utiliser votre navigateur pour continuer à répondre au questionnaire
Set the user language for the session.
It is not a persistent option.
Role ?????
Display the 'role' menu. This plugin needs JavaScript.

It will create the 'roles' file with the default role.
option_set<function option_set at 0xb6beb464>
tipChoose your rolePermet de choisir votre role
option_help"single" or "multiple" If 'single', a user can have one session active at a time. So it is not possible to have 2 roles on 2 web pages. But time accounting is better because students can not open multiple questions at the same time.
For each role, display the number of active users
currently in this role.
tipNumber of active users the last 10 minutes per roleQui a travaillé pendant les 10 dernières minutes en fonction du role
The questions box, it displays the list of competences.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.box_titlepadding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em;
.box_title CANVAS, .openclose CANVAS, .nice_results CANVAS webkit-transition: transform 0.5s; transition: transform 0.5s; position: relative ; transform: scale(1.,1.) ;
.box_title CANVAS:hover, .openclose:hover CANVAS, .nice_results:hover CANVAS transform: scale(2.5,2.5) ; z-index: 1 ; }
.box_title TTfont-weight: normal; font-size: 80%
.line CANVASheight: 1em ; opacity: 0.6
.line:hover Acolor: #000
.line:hover CANVASopacity: 1
.nice_resultsdisplay: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; border-spacing: 1px
.nice_results .badbackground: #F00 ;
.nice_results .goodbackground: #00F ;
.nice_results .perfectbackground: #0F0 ;
.nice_results TDwidth: 5px; height: 5px; padding: 0px ;
/.competences CANVASheight: 1em ;
/.title_bar DIV.competences .nice_resultsborder-spacing: 2px;
/.title_bar DIV.competences .nice_results TDwidth: 9px; height: 9px
A.highlightbackground: black; color: white;text-decoration: blink;
A.max_descendantsfont-weight: bold;
VARfont-style: normal
option_set<function option_set at 0xb6bed854>
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
answered>SPANA good answer was givenVous avez bien répondu
bad_answer_given>SPANA bad answer was givenVous avez donné une mauvaise réponse
char_recycle>SPAN'Clear your answer to recycle the questionEffacer votre réponse pour recycler la question
nice_results>SPANRed: bad answer\A Blue: good answer\A Green : Fast good answer\A\A Click to try another version of the question\A\A If the border is complete:\A you have done all the question versionsRouge : Mauvais, Bleu : Bon, Vert : Super\A Cliquez pour essayer une autre version de la question.\A Bord complet : toutes les versions ont été vues.
not_answerable>SPANNot yet available questionVous ne l'avez pas encore débloquée
not_seen>SPANNever read questionVous ne l'avez jamais lue
openclose>SPANOpen/close question listOuvre/ferme la liste des questions
perfect_answer>SPANPerfect answer time: ready for the examRéponse parfaite, prêt pour l'examen
question_erase PErase your answerEffacer votre réponse
question_given>SPANNever answeredVous n'avez pas encore répondu
resigned>SPANNever answeredVous n'avez pas encore répondu
suspended_until>SPANLocked question because you tried to many timesQuestion bloquée car vous avez trop fait d'essai
tipChoose a 'competence', or open it, or click on the graphicCliquez sur une compétence au dessous, ou ouvrez-là ou bien cliquez sur le graphique
javascript/* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- */ add_messages('fr', { "competences:center_before": "% de réponses rapides (vert)\n", "competences:center_after": "\nCliquez pour avoir une question adaptée", "competences:before": "", "competences:after": "", "competences:question_before": "", "competences:question_after": "", "competences:recycle": "Cliquez sur le disque à gauche du titre pour répondre à une autre version de la question", "competences:star1": "Vous avez accès à toutes les questions", "competences:star2": "Vous avez vu toutes les questions", "competences:star3": "Vous avez répondu correctement à toutes les questions", "competences:star4": "Vous avez vu toutes les versions des questions", "competences:star5": "Vous avez répondu rapidement à toutes les questions" }) ; add_messages('en', { "competences:center_before": "% of fast answers (green)\n", "competences:center_after": "\nClick to pick an adapted question", "competences:recycle": "Click on the disc to answer another version of the question", "competences:star1": "You have access to all the questions", "competences:star2": "You readed all the questions", "competences:star3": "You correctly answered all the questions", "competences:star4": "You saw all the questions alternatives", "competences:star5": "You answered quickly to all the questions" }) ; var char_close = '▼' ; var char_open = '▶' ; var font_small = "6px sans-serif" ; var font_normal = "10px sans-serif" ; var font_selected = "20px sans-serif" ; var competences = {} ; // competence name -> competence object var competence_names = [] ; // sorted competences var current_question = '' ; var questions = {} ; // question name -> question object var open_close_is_stats = true ; var nr_questions = 0 ; var ordered = [ 'suspended_until', 'perfect_answer', 'answered', 'bad_answer_given', 'not_answerable', 'not_seen', 'resigned', 'question_given' ] ; var student_seed ; function escape2(txt) { return encodeURIComponent(txt) ; } function js(t) { return "'" + t.toString().replace(/\\/g,'\\\\') .replace(/"/g,'\\042').replace(/'/g,"\\047").replace(/\n/g,'\\n') + "'" ; } function stop_event(event) { (event || window.event).cancelBubble = true ; } function random_jump(question_list) { var q = [] ; for(var question in question_list) { q.push(question_list[question]) ; question_list[question].the_weight = question_list[question].weight() ; } q.sort(function(a, b) { return b.the_weight - a.the_weight ; }) ; q[0].jump() ; } function question_redo() { = "?question=" + escape2(current_question) + '&erase=1' ; } function Question(info) { = info[0] ; this.classes = info[1] ; this.nr_bad = info[2] ; this.nr_good = info[3] ; this.nr_perfect = info[4] ; this.competences = info[5] ; this.level = info[6] ; this.nr_versions = info[7] ; this.current = == current_question ; for(var competence in this.competences) { competence = this.competences[competence] ; if ( competences[competence] === undefined ) competences[competence] = new Competence(competence) ; competences[competence].add(this) ; } } Question.prototype.weight = function() { var weight ; if ( this.classes.indexOf("not_answerable") != -1 || this.classes.indexOf("erasable") == -1 ) weight = -2 ; else if ( this.classes.indexOf("question_given") == -1 ) // NOT GIVEN weight = 14 ; else if ( this.nr_bad + this.nr_good == 0 ) weight = 12 ; else if ( this.nr_good == 0 ) weight = 10 ; else if ( ! this.is_answered() ) weight = 8 ; else if ( this.nr_good < this.nr_versions ) weight = 6 ; else if ( this.nr_perfect == 0 ) weight = 4 + Math.log( (this.nr_bad+1) / this.nr_good ) / 10 ; else weight = 2 - this.nr_perfect / this.nr_versions ; if ( this.current ) weight -= 1 ; weight += Math.pow(Math.random(), 2) ; return weight ; } ; Question.prototype.jump = function(recycle) { var erase = '' ; if ( this.classes.indexOf("erasable") == -1 ) recycle = false ; if ( recycle ) erase = '&erase=1' ; window.location = "?question=" + escape2( + erase ; } ; Question.prototype.nice_results = function(left_to_right) { var cols = Math.max(this.nr_bad, this.nr_good - this.nr_perfect, this.nr_perfect, 6) ; var s = ['<a class="tips nice_results"><table class="nice_results">'] ; function add_line(nr, cls) { s.push('<tr>') ; for(var i=0; i < cols; i++) { if ( left_to_right ? i < nr : i >= cols - nr ) s.push('<td class="' + cls + '">') ; else s.push('<td>') ; } s.push("</tr>") ; } add_line(this.nr_bad, "bad") ; add_line(this.nr_good - this.nr_perfect, "good") ; add_line(this.nr_perfect, "perfect") ; s.push("</table><span></span></a>") ; return s.join('') ; } ; function draw_nice_results(canvas_id) { var c = document.getElementById('C_' + canvas_id) ; if ( ! c ) return ; if ( ! c.getContext ) return ; c.width = c.height ; var ctx = c.getContext("2d") ; var q = canvas_question[canvas_id] ; ctx.translate(c.width/2, c.height/2) ; var n = 2 * Math.PI / (q.nr_bad + q.nr_good) ; if ( q.nr_bad + q.nr_good == 0 ) { slice(ctx, "#FFFFFF", 0 , c.width/2, 0, 1, "") ; slice(ctx, "#808080", c.width/2.1, c.width/2, 0, 1, "") ; return ; } var t = [ ["", 0], ["#0F0", q.nr_perfect], ["#44F", q.nr_good], ["#F00", q.nr_bad + q.nr_good] ] ; for(var i = 1; i < t.length; i++) { if ( !q.is_answered || q.is_answered() ) ctx.fillStyle = t[i][0] ; else ctx.fillStyle = t[i][0].replace(/[^#F]/g, "9") ; slice_path(ctx, 0, c.width/2, t[i-1][1] * n, t[i][1] * n) ; ctx.fill() ; } if ( q.nr_versions ) { ctx.globalAlpha = 0.8 ; var good = 2 * Math.PI * Math.min(q.nr_good, q.nr_versions ) / q.nr_versions ; ctx.fillStyle = "#FFF" ; slice_path(ctx, c.width/2.4, c.width/2, good, 2 * Math.PI) ; ctx.fill() ; ctx.fillStyle = "#000" ; slice_path(ctx, c.width/2.4, c.width/2, 0, good) ; ctx.fill() ; if ( q.nr_good > q.nr_versions ) { var good = 2 * Math.PI * Math.min(q.nr_good - q.nr_versions, q.nr_versions ) / q.nr_versions ; slice_path(ctx, c.width/2.8, c.width/2.4, 0, good) ; ctx.fill() ; } } } var canvas_id = 0 ; var canvas_question = {} ; = function() { this.jump(true) ; } Question.prototype.icons = function(left_to_right, classe) { var c = left_to_right ? 0 : canvas_id++ ; if ( classe === undefined ) classe = "nice_results" ; canvas_question[c] = this ; return '<div class="competences" style="display:inline">' + '<a class="tips ' + classe + '" onclick="' + (questions[] ? 'questions' : 'competences') + '[' + js( + '].click()"><canvas id="C_' + c + '"></canvas><span></span></a></div>' ; } ; Question.prototype.is_answered = function() { return this.classes.indexOf("answered") != -1 ; } ; function MyRand(seed_between_0_1) { this.seed = 2 * Math.PI * seed_between_0_1 ; } MyRand.prototype.get = function(max) { var n = Math.sin(this.seed) ; this.seed++ ; return Math.floor(Math.abs(n * max * 10000)) % max ; } function html(txt) { return txt.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/</g, "&lt;"); } Question.prototype.display_name = function() { var name = html( ; var short_name = name.split(":") ; if ( isNaN(short_name[1]) ) return name ; name = "" ; var c = "BCFRTNSDL" ; var v = "aeiou" ; var rand = new MyRand(student_seed + 1 / (1 + short_name[1])) for(var i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { name += c.substr(rand.get(c.length), 1) ; name += v.substr(rand.get(v.length), 1) ; } return short_name[0] + ":" + name ; } Question.prototype.html = function() { var info = '' ; for(var i in ordered) { if ( this.classes.indexOf(ordered[i]) != -1 ) { info = ordered[i] ; break ; } } if ( this.current ) info += ' current_question' ; return (open_close_is_stats ? '    ' : '') + this.icons() + '<a class="tips ' + info + '" onclick="questions[' + js( + '].jump()">' + this.display_name() + '<span>' + '</span></a>' ; } ; function Competence(name) { = name ; this.questions = [] ; this.nr_bad = 0 ; this.nr_good = 0 ; this.nr_perfect = 0 ; this.nr_versions = 0 ; this.level = 1e9 ; competence_names.push(name) ; } Competence.prototype.add = function(question) { this.questions.push(question) ; this.nr_bad += question.nr_bad ; this.nr_good += question.nr_good ; this.nr_perfect += question.nr_perfect ; this.nr_versions += question.nr_versions ; this.level = Math.min(question.level, this.level) ; } ; Competence.prototype.sort = function() { this.questions.sort(function(a,b) { return a.level - b.level ; }) ; } ; Competence.prototype.is_open = function() { return localStorage[] == '1' ; } ; = function() { localStorage[] = '1' ; } ; Competence.prototype.toggle = function() { localStorage[] = this.is_open() ? '0' : '1' ; update_competences() ; } ; Competence.prototype.choose_question = function() { // ; random_jump(this.questions) ; } Competence.prototype.nr_questions_perfect = function() { var nr = 0 ; for(var i in this.questions) if ( this.questions[i].nr_perfect ) nr++ ; return nr ; } Competence.prototype.classe = function() { var keys = {} ; for(var question in this.questions) { q_info = this.questions[question].classes.split(/ */) ; for(var i in q_info) { if ( keys[q_info[i]] === undefined ) keys[q_info[i]] = 0 ; keys[q_info[i]]++ ; } } if ( keys['perfect_answer'] == this.questions.length ) info = 'perfect_answer' ; else if ( keys['answered'] == this.questions.length ) info = 'answered' ; else if ( keys['not_answerable'] == this.questions.length ) info = 'not_answerable' ; else if ( keys['not_seen'] ) info = 'not_seen' ; else if ( keys['resigned'] ) info = 'question_given' ; else if ( keys['suspended_until'] ) info = 'suspended_until' ; else if ( keys['bad_answer_given'] ) info = 'bad_answer_given' ; else info = '' ; return info ; } ; Competence.prototype.icons = Question.prototype.icons ; = function() { this.toggle(true) ; } Competence.prototype.html = function() { if ( === '') return '' ; var link = '<a class="tips ' + this.classe() + '" onclick="competences[' + js( + '].choose_question()">' ; return (open_close_is_stats ? '': link) + (open_close_is_stats ? this.icons(false, 'openclose') : '<var onclick="competences['+ js( + '].toggle();stop_event(event)">' + (this.is_open() ? char_close : char_open) + '</var> ' ) + (open_close_is_stats ? link : '') + + '<span></span></a>' ; } ; function get_color(nr_bad, nr_good, nr_perfect) { var s = nr_bad + nr_good ; if ( s == 0 ) return [1, 1, 1] ; s *= 2 ; return [0.5 + nr_bad / s, 0.5 + nr_perfect / s, 0.5 + (nr_good - nr_perfect) / s] ; } Competence.prototype.color = function() { return get_color(this.nr_bad, this.nr_good, this.nr_perfect) ; } ; function update_competences() { var s = [] ; canvas_id = 1 ; // Do not erase the title canvas for(var competence in competence_names) { competence = competences[competence_names[competence]] ; s.push('<div class="line">') ; s.push(competence.html()) ; s.push('</div>') ; if ( competence.is_open() || === '' ) { for(var question in competence.questions) { s.push('<div class="line">') ; s.push(competence.questions[question].html()) ; s.push('</div>') ; } } } document.getElementById("competences").innerHTML = s.join('\n') ; for(var i = 0; i < canvas_id; i++) draw_nice_results(i) ; } function patch_title() { var d = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV') ; var title ; var state = "", heart ; for(var i = 0 ; i < d.length; i++) { if ( d[i].className == 'competences' ) { title = title || d[i].getElementsByTagName('EM')[0] ; } else if ( d[i].className == 'title_bar' ) { var q = questions[current_question] ; if ( q ) { var icon = document.createElement("TD") ; = "font-size: 200%" ; icon.innerHTML = questions[current_question].icons(true) ; var tr = d[i].getElementsByTagName("TR")[0] ; tr.childNodes[1].getElementsByTagName( "A")[0].innerHTML = q.display_name() ; tr.insertBefore(icon, tr.childNodes[1]) ; draw_nice_results(0) ; } display_sunburst(title, -300, -300) ; heart = d[i].parentNode ; } else if ( d[i].className == 'question_bad' ) state = "bad" ; else if ( d[i].className == 'question_good' ) state = "good" ; else if ( d[i].className == 'question_answer' && state === '' ) { if ( d[i].innerHTML.match(/<form /) ) state = "asked" ; else state = "done" ; } } if ( heart && current_question && current_question !== '' && get_level() > 0.05 ) { var s = '' ; var q = questions[current_question] ; var c = q.competences ; for(var competence in c) { competence = c[competence] ; s += '<div class="question_good" style="display:inline">' + '<a class="tips key_enter">' + '<button onclick="competences[\'' + competence + '\'].choose_question()"><p> ∈ ' + competence + '</p></button></a></div>' ; } s += '<div class="' + (questions[current_question].nr_versions < 2 ? 'question_erase' : 'question_redo') + '" style="display:inline"><a class="tips question_redo">' + '<button onclick="question_redo()" style="background:#FEE"' + (questions[current_question].classes.indexOf("erasable") != -1 ? '' : ' disabled') + '><p></p></button><span></span></a></div>' ; var more = document.createElement("DIV") ; = "1em" ; more.className = "competences" ; more.innerHTML = '<div class="question_good" style="display:inline">' + '<a class="tips key_enter">' + '<button onclick="click_on_next_button()"><p></p></button>' + (state === 'done' || state == "good" ? '<span></span>' : '') + '</a></div>' + s ; heart.appendChild(more) ; var e = document.getElementById('question_good_buttons') ; if ( e ) = "none" ; } if ( ! heart ) setTimeout(patch_title, 10) ; } function hex2(x) { x = Math.floor(255*x).toString(16) ; if ( x.length < 2 ) x = "0" + x ; return x ; } function hex_color(color) { return "#" + hex2(color[0]) + hex2(color[1]) + hex2(color[2]) ; } function slice_path(ctx, radius0, radius, angle1, angle2) { ctx.beginPath() ; ctx.moveTo(radius0 * Math.cos(angle1), radius0 * Math.sin(angle1)) ; ctx.lineTo(radius * Math.cos(angle1), radius * Math.sin(angle1)) ; ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, angle1, angle2) ; ctx.lineTo(radius0 * Math.cos(angle2), radius0 * Math.sin(angle2)) ; ctx.arc(0, 0, radius0, angle2, angle1, true) ; ctx.closePath() ; } function slice(ctx, color, radius0, radius, angle1, angle2, text, x, y) { angle1 += 0.0001 ; angle2 -= 0.0001 ; if ( angle2 < angle1 ) return ; angle1 = 2 * Math.PI * angle1 ; angle2 = 2 * Math.PI * angle2 ; ctx.fillStyle = color ; slice_path(ctx, radius0, radius, angle1, angle2) ; var inside = x && ctx.isPointInPath(x, y) ; if ( color !== '' ) ctx.fill() ; if ( inside && text != "" ) { if ( text.indexOf(":") == -1 ) slice_path(ctx, radius0, 150, angle1, angle2) ; ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF" ; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 ; ctx.fill() ; ctx.globalAlpha = 1 ; } if ( text !== "" ) { var scale = 0.2 ; ; ctx.scale(scale, scale) ; var angle = (angle1 + angle2) / 2 ; if ( angle > Math.PI/2 && angle < 3*Math.PI/2 ) { angle += Math.PI ; radius0 *= -1 ; ctx.textAlign = "end" ; } var display_text = text ; if ( text.substr(0,1) == " " ) { // Center label display_text = text.substr(1) ; if ( inside ) display_text = _("competences:center_before") + display_text + _("competences:center_after") ; ctx.textAlign = "center" ; } else { if ( inside ) { if ( text.indexOf(":") == -1 ) { display_text = _("competences:before") + display_text + _("competences:after") ; } else { display_text = _("competences:question_before") + display_text + _("competences:question_after") ; } } } ctx.rotate(angle) ; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000" ; if ( inside ) ctx.font = font_selected ; else { if ( angle2 - angle1 > 0.08 ) ctx.font = font_normal ; else ctx.font = font_small ; } var t = display_text.split('\n') ; var h = ctx.font.split('px')[0] ; ctx.translate(0, h*(0.5 - t.length/2)) ; for(var i in t) { ctx.fillText(t[i], radius0/scale, 0) ; ctx.translate(0, h) ; } ctx.restore() ; } return inside ? text : false ; } function get_xy(event) { event = event || window.event ; if ( event.touches && event.touches.length >= 1 ) { var finger0 = event.touches[0] ; return [finger0.pageX, finger0.pageY - 30] ; } else return [event.pageX, event.pageY] ; } var do_draw_sunburst = false ; function draw_sunburst(x, y) { do_draw_sunburst = [x, y] ; } function zoom_me_move(event) { xy = get_xy(event) ; draw_sunburst(xy[0], xy[1]) ; } function zoom_me(event) { var e = document.createElement("DIV") ; = "absolute" ; = "0%" ; = "0%" ; = "0%" ; = "0%" ; = 11 ; = "competences_zoomed" ; e.onmousemove = zoom_me_move ; e.addEventListener("touchmove", zoom_me_move, false); e.onclick = function(event) { event = event || window.event ; draw_sunburst(event.pageX, event.pageY) ; select = draw_sunburst_real() ; if ( select ) { if ( select.substr(0, 1) == " " ) random_jump(questions) ; else if ( questions[select] ) questions[select].jump() ; else if ( competences[select] ) competences[select].choose_question() ; else alert("BUG=(" + select + ')') ; } else e.parentNode.removeChild(e) ; } ; document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].appendChild(e) ; xy = get_xy(event) ; display_sunburst(e, e.offsetWidth, e.offsetHeight, xy[0], xy[1]) ; } Question.prototype.sunburst = function(ctx, center, scale, i, x, y) { var i_next = i + 1./nr_questions ; slice(ctx, "#FFA0A0", center + scale*this.nr_good, center + scale*(this.nr_good + this.nr_bad), i, i_next, "", x, y) ; slice(ctx, "#8080FF", center + scale*this.nr_perfect, center + scale*this.nr_good, i, i_next, "", x, y) ; slice(ctx, "#40DD40", center, center + scale*this.nr_perfect, i, i_next, "", x, y) ; slice(ctx, "#CCC", center * 0.9, center, i, i + Math.min(this.nr_good, this.nr_versions) / this.nr_versions / nr_questions, "", x, y) ; if ( this.nr_good > this.nr_versions ) slice(ctx, "#888", center * 0.9, center, i, i + Math.min(this.nr_good - this.nr_versions, this.nr_versions) / this.nr_versions / nr_questions, "", x, y) ; var selected = slice(ctx, "", center, center + scale*(this.nr_good + this.nr_bad), i, i_next, this.display_name(), x, y) ; if ( == current_question ) slice(ctx, "#FFFF00", center * 0.8, center * 0.9, i, i_next, "", x, y) ; return selected ; } ; function draw_sunburst_real() { if ( ! do_draw_sunburst ) return ; var select ; var ctx = display_sunburst.ctx ; x = do_draw_sunburst[0] ; y = do_draw_sunburst[1] ; if ( x ) { ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF" ; ctx.fillRect(-100, -100, 200, 200) ; } var i = 0 ; var scale = 5 ; var center = 20 ; var nr_perfect = 0, nr_good = 0, nr_bad = 0 ; var redraw, selected_question ; for(var competence in competences) { competence = competences[competence] ; var i_start = i ; for(var question in competence.questions) { question = competence.questions[question] ; var question_hover = question.sunburst(ctx, center, scale, i, x, y) ; if ( question_hover !== false ) { redraw = i ; selected_question = question ; } select = question_hover || select ; i += 1./nr_questions ; } if ( redraw !== undefined ) selected_question.sunburst(ctx, center, scale, redraw, x, y) ; select = slice(ctx, hex_color(competence.color()), center / 3., center * 0.8, i_start, i,, x, y) || select ; nr_good += competence.nr_good ; nr_perfect += competence.nr_perfect ; nr_bad += competence.nr_bad ; } var pc = Math.floor(100 * nr_perfect / (nr_bad+nr_good)) ; if ( isNaN(pc) ) pc = "0" ; select = slice(ctx, hex_color(get_color(nr_bad, nr_good, nr_perfect)), 0, center / 3. * 0.8, 0, 1, ' ' + pc + '%', x, y) || select ; do_draw_sunburst = false ; return select ; } var star_color = "#0D0" ; var star_color_bad = "#CCC" ; var tip_style = ' style="z-index:1000; color:#000"' ; var star_good = '<b style="color:' + star_color + ';display:inline">★</b>'; var star_bad = '<b style="color:'+star_color_bad+ ';display:inline">★</b>'; function progress_bar(percent) { return '<b style="display: inline-block; height: 0.5em; width:5em;' + 'border-radius: 0.2em; background: ' + star_color_bad + ';">' + '<span style="background:' + star_color + ';display:block; text-align:left; width: ' + percent + '%; height: 100%"></span></b>' ; } function display_sunburst(d, width, height, x, y) { var c = document.createElement('CANVAS') ; if ( ! c.getContext ) return ; if ( width < 0 ) { var level = get_level() ; var s = '<br><a class="tips">' ; for(var i=1; i<6; i++) s += (level >= i ? star_good : star_bad) ; s += '<span' + tip_style + '>' ; for(var i=1; i<6; i++) s += (level >= i ? star_good : star_bad) + _("competences:star" + i) + '<br>' ; s += '</span></a>' ; if ( level < 5 ) s += '<br><a class="tips">' + progress_bar(100*(level%1)) + '<span' + tip_style + '>' + (100*(level % 1)).toFixed(0) + '% → ' + star_good + _("competences:star" + Math.ceil(level)) + '</span></a>' ; d.innerHTML = s ; height = -height ; width = -width ; = "absolute" ; = "0px" ; = "0px" ; = d.offsetHeight ; = d.offsetHeight ; c.onclick = zoom_me ; } var ctx = c.getContext("2d") ; c.width = width ; c.height = height ; d.appendChild(c) ; ctx.translate(width/2, height/2) ; ctx.scale(width/200, width/200) ; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; display_sunburst.ctx = ctx ; draw_sunburst(x, y) ; return c ; } function display_competences(data, question, seed) { current_question = question ; student_seed = seed / 1000000000 ; for(var i in data) questions[data[i][0]] = new Question(data[i]) ; for(var competence in competences) competences[competence].sort() ; competence_names.sort( function(a,b) { return competences[a].level - competences[b].level ;}) ; document.write('<div id="competences"></div>') ; update_competences() ; for(var competence in competences) nr_questions += competences[competence].questions.length ; if ( document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0] ) document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].onkeypress = function(event) { if ( event.eventPhase == Event.AT_TARGET && event.keyCode == 13 ) random_jump(questions) ; e = document.getElementById("competences_zoomed") ; if ( e ) e.parentNode.removeChild(e) ; } ; patch_title() ; setInterval(draw_sunburst_real, 100) ; } // 0 - 1 : % questions accessibles // 1 - 2 : % questions viewed // 2 - 3 : % questions correctly answered // 3 - 4 : % questions perfectly answered // 4 - 5 : % questions versions done function get_level() { var nr = 0 ; var nr_accessible = 0 ; var nr_view = 0 ; var nr_good = 0 ; var nr_perfect = 0 ; var nr_versions = 0 ; var nr_total_versions = 0 ; var level ; for(var question in questions) { question = questions[question] ; nr++ ; if ( question.classes.indexOf("not_answerable") == -1 ) nr_accessible++ ; if ( question.classes.indexOf("question_given") != -1 ) nr_view++ ; if ( question.nr_good ) nr_good++ ; if ( question.nr_perfect ) nr_perfect++ ; if ( question.nr_good >= question.nr_versions ) nr_versions++ ; nr_total_versions += question.nr_versions ; if ( false ) { console.log(question) ; console.log( + ' ' + question.weight()) ; } } if ( nr_accessible < nr ) level = nr_accessible / nr ; else if ( nr_view < nr ) level = 1 + nr_view / nr ; else if ( nr_good < nr ) level = 2 + nr_good / nr ; else if ( nr_versions < nr ) level = 3 + nr_versions / nr ; else level = 4 + nr_perfect / nr ; if ( true ) console.log('questions=' + nr + ' accessible=' + nr_accessible + ' view=' + nr_view + ' good=' + nr_good + ' perfect=' + nr_perfect + ' all_versions_done=' + nr_versions + ' total_versions=' + nr_total_versions + ' level=' + level ) ; return level ; }
option_help#seconds The student can erase its answer and try another question version if the last answer is older than this time. It is to not have students retrying to many times.
The questions box, it displays the allowed questions.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
A.highlightbackground: black; color: white;text-decoration: blink;
A.max_descendantsfont-weight: bold;
titleQuestionsLes questions
option_set<function option_set at 0xb699541c>
tipChoose your question in the following listVous devez choisir une question parmi les suivantes
option_help"integer" If the number of questions in the menu is greater than this number, then pulldown menus are used.
Display a menu allowing to choose between seeing all the questions
or only the allowed ones.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
tipChoose your question list: * All the questionnary questions. * The possible questions as in the students list.Choix de la liste des questions à afficher : * Toutes les questions qui existent. * Celles accessibles normalement avec les prérequis.
If enabled, this plugin shuffle the allowed question list.
Next question ?????
Allow to go to the next question in alphabetical order.
tipGoto the next question in alphabetical order.Passez à la question suivante dans l'ordre alphabétique
No more questions!!! ?????
Display an informative text when there is no more questions to answer.
tipYou have finished the questionnary. Congratulation!Vous êtes arrivé au bout du questionnaire, félicitations !
An IFRAME containing data
from a server locally launched by Quenlig on the student computer.
Only useful for the 'cs-xxx' questionnaries
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
IFRAMEwidth:100%; height: 21em; border: 0px
javascript function cs_loaded() { if ( document.getElementById("cs_script").src === "" ) return; document.getElementById("cs_script").cs_loaded = true ; document.getElementById("cs_script").onload = function() { } ; } function launch_local_server() { var miframe = document.getElementById("cs_script") ; if ( ! miframe.cs_loaded ) { miframe.src = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,Lancement du serveur de surveillance." ; document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].innerHTML += '<img width=1 height=1 src="' + window.location.toString().split('?')[0] + '?cs_state=start">' ; } } function reload_cs_state() { document.getElementById("cs_script").src = "" + reload_cs_state.i++ ; } reload_cs_state.i = 0 ;
The statistics menu box.
tipInformation about the questions and your progression within the group.Informations concernant les exercices à faire et votre progression dans le groupe
Add smileys to the statistics of good/bad/tip/...
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
statmenubad-1You give many bad answers. Check your answer before answeringTestez votre réponse avant de la donner
statmenubad-2You give really too many bad answers!Vous répondez vraiment trop souvent des bétises !
statmenubad1Fine, you give not many bad answers.Bien, vous donnez peu de mauvaises réponses
statmenubad2Good! You give not many bad answers.Vous vous trompez vraiment pas souvent !
statmenugood-1Your are behind the otherVous êtes en retard
statmenugood-2Your are behind the other, ask help to the teacherVous êtes très en retard, faites vous aider
statmenugood1Fine, continueBien, continuez
statmenugood2Good!Très bien !
statmenuindice-1You ask many tips.Vous regardez trop les indices
statmenuindice-2You ask too much tip. Try to think by yourself.Vous demandez systématiquement les indices, c'est pas bien
statmenuindice1Fine, you ask not many tip.Bien, vous regardez peu les indices
statmenuindice2Good. You use really not many tip!Vous utilisez très peu les indices !
statmenutime-1After you have given a good answer, choose quickly another question.Après avoir répondu, passez rapidement à une autre question
statmenutime-2You take too much time without question displayed on your screenVous passez trop de temps sans question affichée
statmenutime1You should read the the informations given after you correctly answered a questionVous devriez lire ce qui est affiché après avoir répondu
statmenutime2You do not read the explanations displayed after you correctly answered a questionVous ne lisez pas les explications affichées après avoir répondu
Displays a graphical state of the questions and students
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
position: relative; height: 35em
.mebackground: #FF0;
.okcolor:green TTleft:30em; width:24em; top: -3em; font-size: 100%
DIVposition: absolute; font-family: monospace
SPANtop: 5em; left:20em; width:20em
tip'.' are peoples, 'x' are questions, the yellow square: it's you. Verticaly it's the level, and horizontaly it's the average time.Les '.' sont les personnes, les 'x' les questions et le carré jaune, c'est vous. Verticalement c'est le niveau et horizontalement, c'est le temps de réflexion.
javascript function time_to_slot(x) { return Math.log(x/15) / Math.log(1.500000) ; } function histogram(t, time_searching) { var s = '' ; var h = 17 ; var m = 1.7 ; var mx = 1 ; var dx = 3 ; var x ; var slot = time_to_slot(time_searching).toFixed(0) ; for(var i=5; i<2*h; i++) s += '&nbsp;<br>' ; for(var i in t) { s += '<div style="height:' + Math.abs(m*t[i]).toFixed(1) + 'em;left:' + (dx+mx*i).toFixed(1) + 'em;top:' + Math.min(h-m*t[i], h).toFixed(1) + 'em;border:1px solid black' + (i == slot ? ';background:green' : '') + '">' + '&nbsp;' + '</div>' ; } for(var i=-9; i<=9; i++) { s += '<div style="left:0px;top:' + (h-m*i-0.5).toFixed(1) + 'em">' + (i >= 0 ? '&nbsp;' + i : i ) + '</div>' ; } for(var i=1; i<200; i*=5) { x = dx + mx * time_to_slot(i*60) ; s += '<div style="left:' + x.toFixed(0) + 'em;top:' + (2*h) + 'em">' + i + 'min.</div>' ; } document.write(s) ; }
CSV rank export ?????
The output of this plugin is a CSV file containing for each student
the normalized number of good/bad answers and indices.
There is also the work time in hours.
tipTable to import into a spreadsheet, for each student there is: The student name #good answers #bad answers #given tips Work time in hours Values are normalized between 0 and 1.Tableau intégrable dans un tableur avec pour chaque étudiant : Nom de l'étudiant #bonnes réponses #mauvaises réponses #indices affichés Temps passé en TP en heures Les différentes valeurs sont normalisées 0 c'est aucun et 1 c'est le maximum.
????? good answers color:green
The number of good answers.
tipNumber of good answer you have givenNombres de bonnes réponses que vous avez donné
????? bad answers color:red
The number of bad answers.
tipNumber of bad answer you have given, do not randomly answer if you can test your answer.Nombres de mauvaises réponses que vous avez donné, évitez de répondre au hasard si vous avez la possibilité de tester.
????? tips asked
The number of given tips.
tipNumber of tips you have askedNombres d'indices différents que vous avez regardés
????? questions defined
The total number of questions.
tipTotal number of question.Nombres de questions que le système contient.
????? of work
Display the student work time.
option_set<function option_set at 0xb680c974>
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
no_more_timeNo more time to answer.Temps de réflexion dépassé, vous ne pouvez plus répondre
tipThe time you were workingLe temps que vous avez passé à travailler
option_default{'':100*60, 'guest_john_doe': 60}
option_help"{'':60, 'student1': 90}" A Python dictionnary with the maximum number of minutes of work time per student. The key is the student ID. The '' key indicates the default time.
Position: ?????
Displays the student rank computed with the number of good answers.
It is only useful when all the students are working together.
tipYour position in the group (this is not your grade)Votre classement dans le groupe (ceci n'est pas votre note)
Students ?????
Displays a statistics table about all the students.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//CAPTIONFor each student. display statistics about its workPour chaque étudiant affiche les statistiques concernant l'ensemble de son travail
//c0>SPANLink to the student work.Pointeur sur les statistiques de l'étudiant
//c10>SPANSimultaneous answers with other studentsTaux de réponses simultanés (sans intérêt)
//c11>SPANStandard deviance of the student reflexion time for all the questionsVariance du temps de réflexion sur l'ensemble des questions
//c12>SPANLast connection IP of the studentDernière IP utilisée
//c1>SPAN#good answer (green: behind the others, red: late)Nombre de bonnes réponses (vert si en avance et rouge si en retard)
//c2>SPAN#known questionsNombre de questions connues
//c3>SPAN#bad answers (green: no many, red: many. The color take into account the number of known questions.)Nombre de mauvaises réponses (vert si peu de mauvaises réponses par rapport au nombre de questions connues. Pour rouge, c'est qu'il y a trop de mauvaises réponses)
//c4>SPAN#tips asked (green: no many, red: many. The color take into account the number of known questions.)Nombre d'indices vus (vert si peu d'indices demandés par rapport au nombre de questions connues. Pour rouge, c'est qu'il y a trop d'indices demandés)
//c5>SPAN#commentsNombre de commentaires laissés
//c6>SPANSearching answer timeTemps total passé à chercher les réponses
//c7>SPANTime between questions (red: the student take too many time to choose another question, green: the student go too quickly to another question without reading the answer commentTemps total passé avant de passer à la question suivante en cas de bonne réponse (rouge : l'étudiant passe trop de temps sans question affiché sur l'écran. Vert: l'étudiant passe à la question suivante sans même lire ce qui est affiché sur l'écran)
//c8>SPANFirst connectionPremière connexion
//c9>SPANLast connectionDernière connexion
tipFor each student. display statistics about its workPour chaque étudiant affiche les statistiques concernant l'ensemble de son travail
Questions ?????
Displays session statistics about the questions.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//CAPTIONFor each question, display statistics about all the studentsPour chaque question affiche les statistiques concernant l'ensemble des étudiants
//c0The questionLa question
//c0>SPANThe questionLa question pour laquelle on donne les statistiques
//c1>SPAN0: Nobody saw it, 1: Everybody saw it0: Personne ne la connaît, 1: tous le monde la connaît
//c2>SPAN#displayed on screen / #students saw itNombre de fois quelle a été posée / Nombre de personne qui la connaisse
//c3>SPAN0: Nobody answered, 1: All students knowing it answered it0: Personne n'a répondu, 1: tous ceux qui la connaisse ont répondu
//c4>SPAN#bad answers / #students saw itNombre de mauvaises réponses / Nombre de personnes qui la connaisse
//c5>SPAN#tip / #students saw itNombre d'indices / Nombre de personnes qui la connaisse
//c6>SPANFull time HH:MM:SS to answer the questionTemps total HH:MM:SS passé pour répondre à la question
//c7>SPAN#comments about the questionNombre de commentaires déposés
//c8>SPANCurrent perfect time in secondsTemps courant pour avoir une réponse parfaite
tipFor each question, display statistics about all the studentsPour chaque question affiche les statistiques concernant l'ensemble des étudiants
The 'action' box
tipSelect the action you want to doChoisissez ce que vous voulez faire
Debug ?????
Allow to display plugin definition in tips from the plugin interface
CSS selectorEnglishFrench > > divwhite-space: pre;
tipActivate debugging on this pageActivation du débuggage sur cette page
Session options ?????
Allow to change session options
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
/.options TEXTAREAwidth: 40em; height: 100%???
/BUTTON.save_options:beforecontent:'Save the options'content:'Sauver les options'
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//CAPTIONView or set the session options???
//c0Command line option and plugin nameOption de ligne de commande et plugin
//c2Default valueValeur par défaut
//c3Current valueValeur courante
tipView or set the session optionsAffiche ou modifie les options de la session
Allow to change the ACL of users and roles.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
/.docfont-size: 70%;
/.nowrapwhite-space: nowrap ;
/A.change_acl:beforecontent:'Edit the access rights (ACL)'content:'Editer les droits d\'accès (ACL)'
/BUTTON.change_acl_savefont-size: 130%
/BUTTON.change_acl_save:beforecontent:'Save the ACL'content:'Sauvegarder les droits'
/tt.rolesfont-size: 70%; font-weight: normal ;
javascript function change_acls(user) { var f = document.getElementById('acls_form') ; var selects = f.getElementsByTagName('SELECT') ; var s = [user] ; for(var i=0; i<selects.length; i++) s.push( selects[i].name + '=' + selects[i].selectedIndex ) ; window.location = '?change_acl=' + s.join(',') ; }
Work done by the others ?????
Display the questions and answers of any student.
This plugin link is not visible on the web page.
To use it, you must click on a student name on the student statistics page.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.commentbackground: #DDD ;
DIV.an_answer, PRE.an_answerfont-weight: bold ;
TABLE.bad_answer .an_answerbackground: #FDD ;
TABLE.good_answer .an_answerbackground: #DFD ;
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//an_answerYour answer: Votre réponse :
//answered_byAnswered by: Réponses de :
//comment TDYour comment: Votre commentaire :
tipSee all the questions and answers in the work you have doneVoir toutes les questions et réponses qui ont été faites
Reload plugins ?????
Reload all the modified Quenlig plugins.
It is currently not working nicely, do not try to use.
tipReload server plugin This does not reload question definitionsRecharge les plugins du serveur s'ils ont été modifié Cela ne recharge pas les questions
Reload question ?????
Reload the current question source file.
This plugin can be used while a real session is running.

It is not totally safe, if you introduce a syntax error in the module,
the server will need a restart to restore the question file.
tipReload the Python file containing the question definitionRelit le fichier Python contenant la définition de la question
When called, generate 'Students/SESSION/'
with the current 'perfect_time' for each question.

If the file exists, it is readed on question loading
Delete students ?????
Destroy all the students with 0 or 1 good answer.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//deletedTheses students have been deleted from the system. The bracketed number indicate the number of good answers they have givenCes étudiants ont été enlevés du système. Le nombre entre parenthèses indique le nombre de bonnes réponses qu'ils ont donnés
tipDelete the students having answered only to a couple of questionDétruit tous les étudiants qui n'ont donné aucune bonne réponse
Question graph ?????
Display the question graph with statistics for this session.
tipDisplay the question graph with session statistics. Click to see SVG fileAffiche le graphe des questions avec les statistique de la session. Cliquez pour voir le fichier SVG
The work done ?????
Display all the questions and answer given by the connected student.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.commentbackground: #DDD ;
DIV.an_answer, PRE.an_answerfont-weight: bold ;
TABLE.bad_answer .an_answerbackground: #FDD ;
TABLE.good_answer .an_answerbackground: #DFD ;
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//an_answerYour answer: Votre réponse :
//answered_byAnswered by: Réponses de :
//comment TDYour comment: Votre commentaire :
tipSee all the questions and answers in the work you have doneVoir toutes les questions et réponses qui ont été faites
Visible ?????
This plugin allows to remove acls to others users.
It is not yet working.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
tipVisibility management of pluginsGestion des vues
javascriptvar hide_message = 'Give the role/student list to which remove this plugin:' ; function hide_stop_event(event) { if ( event.stopPropagation ) event.stopPropagation(true) ; if ( event.preventDefault ) event.preventDefault(true) ; else { event.returnValue = false; event.keyCode = 0; } event.cancelBubble = true ; } function hide(event, plugin) { hide_stop_event(event) ; var who = prompt('«' + plugin + '»\n\n' + hide_message, hide_roles) ; window.location = '?hide=' + plugin + ',' + who ; return false ; } var hide_message = 'Donnez la liste des roles à qui faut-il enlever ce droit :' ; function hide_stop_event(event) { if ( event.stopPropagation ) event.stopPropagation(true) ; if ( event.preventDefault ) event.preventDefault(true) ; else { event.returnValue = false; event.keyCode = 0; } event.cancelBubble = true ; } function hide(event, plugin) { hide_stop_event(event) ; var who = prompt('«' + plugin + '»\n\n' + hide_message, hide_roles) ; window.location = '?hide=' + plugin + ',' + who ; return false ; }
Load old students ?????
Destroy all the students with 0 or 1 good answer.
option_set<function option_set at 0xb6bfd974>
tipLoad student who have not worked since a long time.Charge les anciens, même ceux qui n'ont pas travaillé depuis longtemps
option_help"#days" Students who have not worked the last #days are not loaded on startup and so not used to compute statistics or export grades. If the number of days is negative: it is the number of seconds allowed to read the student list, the most recent firsts.
Course documentation ?????
Display all the questions definition.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.question_titlemargin-top: 1.5em ; margin-bottom: 0em }/BODY { orphans: 3; widows: 3;
/.course_questionpage-break-before: avoid
/@media print.hide_on_print { display: none ; } BODY, H1, TABLE.information_table TD, TABLE.information_table TH { background: #FFF } DIV.heart { margin-left: -1em }
/@media screen.hide_on_screen { display: none ;
/H2page-break-after: avoid
/H3page-break-after: avoid
tipDisplay the full course documentationVoir le support de cours complet
javascript function add_courses_index() { var t = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV") ; var course_menu, keys = [] ; for(var i in t) { if ( t[i].className == 'course_question' ) { var q = t[i].getElementsByTagName('A')[0].textContent ; var tt = t[i].getElementsByTagName('KEY') ; for(var k=0; k < tt.length; k++) keys.push([tt[k].textContent, q]) ; } else if ( t[i].className == 'courses' && t[i].parentNode.className != "heart_content" ) course_menu = t[i] ; } var t = document.getElementsByTagName("A") ; var toc = [] ; for(var i in t) { if ( ! t[i].name ) continue ; if ( t[i].name.substr(0,3) != 'toc' ) continue ; toc.append('<a href="' + window.location + '#' + t[i].name + '">' + t[i].innerHTML + '</a>') ; } var s = [] ; keys.sort() ; for(var j in keys) s.push('<a href="?question='+escape2(keys[j][1])+'">' + keys[j][0] + '</a>') ; if ( s.length || toc.length ) course_menu.innerHTML = '<br>' + toc.join("<br>") + '<br>' + 'Index:</br>' + '<div style="margin-left:1em; font-size: 80%">' + s.join('<br>') + '</div>' ; } setTimeout(add_courses_index, 500) ;
Help/Explanations ?????
Display the file 'help.html' in a frame.
Any questionnary can redefine its own page.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//object_unsupportedYour browser does not know OBJECT tag.Votre navigateur ne supporte pas la balise OBJECT
tipSee the help page about this workVoir une page d'aide concernant le TP
option_help"true" or "false" Display HTML/help.html when starting a session.
The good answers ?????
Display all the questions definition.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
TABLEborder: 1px solid black ;
tipSee the answersVoir les réponses
Analyse menu
titleAnalysis toolsAnalyser
tipAnalysis toolsDivers outils pour analyser le travail
All the comments ?????
displays all the comments about all the questions.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//CAPTIONThe students commentsLes commentaires déposés par les étudiants
//c0The questionLa question
//c0>SPANThe commented question. It's None if there was no active questionLa question pour laquelle l'étudiant à déposé un commentaire. Il y a None si aucune question n'était affichée lors du dépôt du commentaire
//c1>SPANThe commentLe texte du commentaire déposé par l'étudiant
//c2>SPANDisplay the student answersVoir les réponses de l'étudiant
//c3>SPANThe comment dateLa date de dépôt du commentaire
tipAll the students commentsL'ensemble des commentaires qui ont été déposés par l'ensemble des étudiants
Answered questions ?????
Display for each question answered the informations about the question.
Not really useful.
It should be enhanced to allow the teacher to see these informations
for the other students.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//CAPTIONInformation about each question saw by the studentPour chaque question, indique comment l'étudiant a répondu
//c0>SPANThe last time the question was sawLe moment ou la question a été vue la dernière fois
//c1>SPANTrue if the good answer was givenTrue si la bonne réponse a été donnée
//c2>SPANNumber of the the question was displayedNombre de fois que la question a été vue
//c3>SPANNumber of bad answer givenNombre de mauvaises réponses données
//c4>SPAN#tip saw / #tip totalNombre d'indices vue / nombre d'indice total
//c5>SPAN#comment leaved for the questionNombre de commentaire déposés
//c6>SPANTime with this question on screenTemps passé avec la question affichée sur l'écran
//c7>SPANA link the the question itselfLe nom de la question avec un lien vous dirigeant vers la question
tipStatistics about the questions a student answeredStatistiques sur les questions auxquelles un étudiant a répondu
Recompute grades ?????
DANGEROUS: allow to recompute all the automatic computed grades.
DO NOT USE if the grading is contextual to the student.
It is only useful if the grading functions are modified after
the examination.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
Acolor: red
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//grade_recomputeAutomatic grading recomputedLe recalcul des notations automatique est terminé
tipBeware: DO NOT USE IN CASE OF CONTEXTUAL GRADING. It is only useful if you have modified an automatic grading testAttention : NE PAS FAIRE SI LA NOTATION EST CONTEXTUELLE. C'est seulement utile dans le cas où vous avez modifié le test de notation automatique
Histogram good answer ?????
Display the histogram of the number of good and bad answers
for all the students.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//histogramGood answer histogrammL'histogramme du nombre de bonnes réponses
histobadBad answer histogramL'histogramme du nombre de mauvaises réponses
tipSee the number of good answers histogram per studentVoir l'histogramme du nombre de bonnes réponses par étudiants
Session graphic ?????
Display an SVG graphic of the session with all the questions and statistics.
This graphic is very slow to display so it is unusable.
tipDisplay a SVG graphic about the state of the student group and their answers.Affiche un fichier SVG représentant graphiquement la façon dont le groupe répond à l'ensemble des questions.
Cheaters too fast ?????
Detection of students answering too quickly.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//CAPTIONStudent answering too quickly to questions. Number of questions answered with 10, 20 and 40 less time than the average answer timeÉtudiants répondant trop rapidement. Nombre de questions répondues en 10, 20, 40 fois moins de temps que le temps moyen de réponse.
//c110 time10*+rapide
//c220 time20*+rapide
//c340 time40*+rapide
tipSearch students answering too quickly.Cherche ceux qui répondent trop vite (liste bonne réponses)
Cheaters pairs ?????
Detection of the student always giving the same answer at the same time.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
//CAPTIONStudents working not aloneÉtudiants travaillant à plusieurs
//c0Student 1Étudiant 1
//c0>SPANA student of the coupleUn des étudiants
//c1Student 2Étudiant 2
//c1>SPANAnother student of the coupleL'autre étudiant
//c21 copied on 21 copie su 2
//c2>SPANNumber of good answers given by 1 less than one minute after the good answer given by 2Nombre de bonne réponses saisies par 1 moins d'une minute après une bonne réponse saisie par 2
//c32 copied on 12 copie sur 1
//c3>SPANNumber of good answers given by 2 less than one minute after the good answer given by 1Nombre de bonne réponses saisies par 2 moins d'une minute après une bonne réponse saisie par 1
//c4% copied from 2% de bonne réponse copiées par 1
//c4>SPANPercentage of answers copied from the student 2Pourcentage de bonne réponses copiées sur 2
//c5% copied from 1% de bonne réponse copiées par 2
//c5>SPANPercentage of answers copied from the student 1Pourcentage de bonne réponses copiées sur 1
no_pairs_foundNo cheater pair found.Aucun copieur n'a été trouvé.
tipSearch cheaters pairsCherche les copieurs
Allow to evaluate arbitrary Python code for debugging.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
BUTTONwidth: 100% ;
FORM.highlight BUTTON Pbackground: #CFC ;
TEXTAREAfont-size: 80% ; width: 100%
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
evaluate_resultResult: Résultat :
tipType Python code here.Taper du code Python ici
Allow the students to leave a comment about the question.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.comment_givenwhite-space: normal;
:hover FORMmax-height: 20em
BUTTONwidth: 100% ; white-space: normal
FORM max-height: 0px ; margin: 0px; transition: max-height 1s; webkit-transition: max-height 1s; overflow: hidden ;
FORM.highlightmax-height: initial ;
FORM.highlight BUTTON Pbackground: #CFC ;
TEXTAREAfont-size: 80% ; width: 100%
option_set<function option_set at 0xb6beb77c>
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
comment_buttonSend your commentEnvoyer votre commentaire
comment_givenYour comment: Votre commentaire :
tipIf there is a problem in the question (ambiguity, grammar...). If more tips are needed. If an answer you think good is rejected. Then: leave a comment.S'il y a un problème dans l'énoncé de la question (ambiguïté, grammaire, ...). Si les indices ne sont pas suffisants. Si une réponse que vous considérez bonne n'est pas acceptée. Alors : laissez un commentaire.
javascript function PersistentInput(element_id, name) { this.input = document.getElementById(element_id) ; this.form = this.input ; while( this.form.tagName != 'FORM' ) this.form = this.form.parentNode ; this.key = 'persistent_input/' + element_id + '/' + (name || '') ; if ( this.get_persistent() !== '') { this.input.value = this.get_persistent() ; ; } this.form.onsubmit = this.onsubmit.bind(this) ; if ( this.input.onkeypress ) this.old_onkeypress = this.input.onkeypress.bind(this) ; this.input.onkeypress = this.onkeypress.bind(this) ; this.input.persistent = this ; } PersistentInput.prototype.debug = function(txt) { if ( false ) console.log(this.key + " " + txt + " " + this.input.value) ; } ; PersistentInput.prototype.get_persistent = function() { this.debug("GET") ; return localStorage[this.key] || '' ; } ; PersistentInput.prototype.set_persistent = function(txt) { this.debug("SET") ; localStorage[this.key] = txt ; ; } ; = function() { this.debug("SHOW") ; this.form.className = this.input.value != '' ? "highlight" : '' ; } ; PersistentInput.prototype.onkeypress_real = function() { this.debug("KEYREAL") ; this.set_persistent(this.input.value) ; } ; PersistentInput.prototype.onkeypress = function(event) { this.debug("KEY (" + event.char + ") code=" + event.keyCode) ; if ( event.char === '' && event.keyCode != 9 ) return ; // Needed because INPUT.value is modified after the keypress setTimeout(this.onkeypress_real.bind(this), 100) ; if ( this.old_onkeypress ) this.old_onkeypress(event) ; } ; PersistentInput.prototype.onsubmit = function() { this.debug("SUBMIT") ; this.set_persistent("") ; } ;
option_help("", "") If defined, on each student comment: a mail is sent to '' via the '' mail server.
Display a graphical map of the questions.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
IMGwidth: 100% ; margin-top: 0.3em ;
tipThere is a square per question, the first questions are on the left, the last on the right. Yellow: The question on screen Green: question answered correctly Red: question you answered incorrectly Dark blue: question you may look but you did not. Light Blue: you saw the question text The color is lighter if tips have been asked.Il y a un carré par question, on part de la gauche on doit arriver à droite. Jaune : la question affichée sur l'écran Vert : question à laquelle vous avez répondu correctement Rouge : question pour laquelle votre dernière réponse était fausse Bleu foncé : question qu'il est possible de regarder Bleu clair : Question abandonnée La couleur est plus pâle si des indices ont été demandés.
????? size:60%
About Quenlig box.
Running version of Quenlig
tipQUENLIG version numberVersion de QUENLIG utilisée
Display the directory name containing the questionnary
tipThe questionnary is in this directoryNom du répertoire contenant la définition du questionnaire
????? seconds
CPU time used to create the HTML page
tipCPU time used to generate this pageTemps CPU utilisé pour générer cette page
The heart of the web page.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.box_titlepadding: 2px;
> DIVmargin-top: 0.7em;
> DIV > TABLE.box_contentbackground: #EEE ;
An horizontal bar at the top of the page.
????? size:200% align:center
Display the page title.
tipIt's the question name or the page title if you are not answering to a questionC'est le nom de la question ou le titre de la page si vous n'êtes pas en train de répondre à une question
option_help"Title of the session" It is displayed as the page title if there is no current question.
????? align:right
Display the mean time used by student to answer the current question.
tipAverage search time before answering correctly to this questionTemps de réflexion moyen de l'ensemble du groupe pour cette question
Display the remaining time to answer the current question.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
#ttlfont-size: 70%; font-weight: bold
tipRemaining time to answerTemps restant pour répondre à la question
display the 'before answering' informations box.
titleBefore answeringAvant de répondre
tipInformation displayed here are courses remainder and/or action you must do before answering the question.Les informations affichées ici sont des rappels de cours et/ou des actions que vous devez effectuer avant de répondre à la question.
This plugin display the content of the first plugin with
an not empty attribute named 'heart_content'.
This allow plugins in the menu to display their content in the
heart of the page when clicked, for example the 'action_help' plugin.
Display the question text.
option_set<function option_set at 0xb698880c>
tipThe question you must answerLa question que l'on vous pose et à laquelle vous devez répondre
option_default(5, 2, 60)
option_help"(nr_bad_answers, multiply, max_suspend)" After 'nr_bad_answers': the student must wait 1 minute before answering again. After each new bad answer, the wait time is multiplied by 'multiply'. The maximum wait time is 'max_suspend' minutes.
It both display the INPUT HTML tag to enter the answer
but it also verify the answer.

As the answer may modify the question list, it must be executed
before the question list computation.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
.show_on_hoveroverflow: hidden ; max-height: 0px ; transition: max-height 1s ; webkit-transition: max-height 1s ;
:hover .show_on_hovermax-height: 10em
BUTTONmargin-top: 0.5em
BUTTON Pmargin: 0px ;
FORMmargin: 0px
INPUTwidth: 100% ; font-family: times; font-size:120%
INPUT.checkboxwidth: auto
TEXTAREAwidth: 100% ;
title('Your answer', 'Your answer was')('Votre réponse', 'Vous avez répondu')
option_set<function option_set at 0xb698892c>
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
answer_buttonSend the answerEnvoyer la réponse
maximum_bad_answerYou can no more answer to this question, choose another oneVous ne pouvez plus répondre à cette question, choisissez en une autre
missing_requiredYou must answer some other questions to open this oneVous devez avancer dans le questionnaire avant de pouvoir répondre à cette question
nr_tryNumber of remaining answer attempts: Nombre d'essais que vous pouvez encore faire :
suspended_untilYou made too many tries, you must now wait before checking a new answer. Beware, the wait time is multiplied on each bad answer:Vous avez fait trop de mauvaises réponses, vous devez maintenant attendre avant de faire une autre proposition. Attention le temps d'attente augmente à chaque mauvaise réponse :
tipDo not forget to test your answer before validating it, If no, you may give incorrect answer.Pensez à tester votre réponse dans la réalité avant de la saisir ici, afin d'éviter des erreurs bêtes
javascript function disable_tab(event) { if ( window.event ) event = window.event ; key = event.keyCode ; if(key == 9) { += ' ' ; return false; } else return true; } function check_button(e) { while(e.tagName != 'FORM') e = e.parentNode ; var input = e.getElementsByTagName("INPUT") ; var button = e.getElementsByTagName("BUTTON")[0] ; for(var i in input) if ( input[i].checked ) { button.disabled = false ; return ; } button.disabled = true ; } function seconds() { var t = new Date() ; return t.getTime() / 1000 ; } var suspended_until_time ; function change_state(state) { var t = document.getElementById("questionanswer") ; if (state) t.action = "javascript: alert('⏱' + duration((suspended_until_time - seconds()).toFixed(0)))" ; else t.action = "#" ; } function update_suspended_time() { var e = document.getElementById("suspended_until") ; if ( ! e ) return ; var dt = suspended_until_time - seconds() ; change_state(dt > 0); if ( dt <= 0 ) { // Activate e.innerHTML = " GO!" ; = "" ; change_state(false); } else e.innerHTML = " <b>" + duration(dt.toFixed(0)) + '</b>' ; } function suspended_until(t) { if ( seconds() > t ) return ; document.write('<span id="suspended_until" class="suspended_until"></span>'); suspended_until_time = t ; setInterval(update_suspended_time, 1000) ; }
option_help"always" or "hover" When returning to an answered question the last answer is displayed automaticaly or only if the mouse goes on the box title.
This plugin allow to do an autoevaluation of questions and students level.

There is no more question choice for students.

To make it work, the ACLS: Students/SESSION/Logs/Student/acls
Must be set to :

'question_bad': ('!executable',),
'map': ('!executable',),
'answered': ('!executable',),
'about': ('!executable',),
'about_questions': ('!executable',),
'about_time': ('!executable',),
'about_version': ('!executable',),
'action': ('!executable',),
'question_before': ('!executable',),
'question_good': ('!executable',),
'question_indices': ('!executable',),
'question_required': ('!executable',),
'questions': ('!executable',),
'questions_nomore': ('!executable',),
'questions_shuffle': ('!executable',),
'session_duration': ('!executable',),
'session_start': ('!executable',),
'session_stop': ('!executable',),
'statmenu_bad': ('!executable',),
'statmenu_good': ('!executable',),
'statmenu_indice': ('!executable',),
'statmenu_nr_questions': ('!executable',),
'statmenu_rank': ('!executable',),
'statmenu_smiley': ('!executable',),
'statmenu_time': ('!executable',),
'comment': ('hide',),
'autoeval': ('executable',),
'autoeval_stats': ('executable',),
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
autoeval_goodCongratulation! You can continue if you want:Bravo, vous pouvez continuer si vous le désirez.
give_solutionGive your answer above and strike 'Enter'.Saisissez la réponse au dessus et tapez sur la touche 'Entrée'.
giveup_problemI give up: I will never see again this problem.J'abandonne : je ne pourrais plus faire ce problème.
intro_problemProblems are in limited time (less than one hour) and can not be paused. The only way to start another problem is to give up or answer successfuly. Click on the button to start:Les problèmes sont en temps limité (moins d'une heure) et ne peuvent être suspendus. Les seuls moyens de changer de problème sont d'abandonner ou bien de réussir. Cliquer sur le bouton pour le lancer :
nomore_problemNo more problem to do.Il n'y a plus de problèmes à faire pour le moment.
start_problemStart a new problemDémarrer un nouveau problème
Add the REDO button after the student answer.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
BUTTON P:beforecontent:'Answer another version'content:'Autre version'
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
/.question_redo SPANErase your answer so you can try another version of the questionEffacer votre réponse pour pouvoir répondre à une version différente de cette question
tipErase your answer so you can try another version of the questionEffacer votre réponse pour pouvoir répondre à une version différente de cette question
????? background:#CFC
Display the information box in case of good answer.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
button, pmargin: 0.5em
titleGood answer!Bonne réponse !
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
/.key_enter Pnext questionAutre question
/.key_enter SPANHit «Enter» to see the next questionAppuyez sur «Entrée» pour avoir la prochaine question
javascript function click_on_next_button() { var e = document.getElementById(1) ; if ( e ) { window.location = e.href ; } else { // We want the same behaviour than the enter key triggerKeyboardEvent(document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0], 13) ; } }
????? background:#FCC
This plugin display a box with the information about the bad answer.
titleBad answerMauvaise réponse
Displays the box with the tips for the current question.
titleTips to help youDes indices pour vous aider
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
first_indiceGive me a tipDonnez-moi un indice
next_indiceGive me another tipDonnez-moi un autre indice
tipIf you have no idea about a way to answer, you may ask a tipSi vous n'avez aucune idée sur la manière de répondre à la question, demandez un indice
Spoil the answer:
  * Minimum and maximum size in characters of the good answers
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
display: inline
.spoildisplay: inline ; position: relative; margin-left: 1em
.spoil:hover .spoil_tipopacity: 1 ; transition: opacity 8s; webkit-transition: opacity 8s;
.spoil_tipopacity: 0; pointer-events: none ; position:absolute; bottom:1.5em; left: 0px; padding-right: 1em; transition: opacity 0.5s; webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s;
.spoil_tip *, .spoil_tipbackground: #FFE ;
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
spoil_diffcompared to expected answers:comparée aux réponses attendues :
spoil_diff_okcontains the good characterscontient les bons caractères
spoil_lessis too short ofest trop courte de
spoil_missMissing charsIl manque
spoil_moreis too long ofest trop longue de
spoil_okhas the right lengthest de la bonne longueur
spoil_unexpectedUnexpected charsEn trop
javascript var spoil ; function Spoil(goods) { this.goods = goods ; this.spoil_min = 1e30 ; this.spoil_max = 0 ; for(var i in this.goods) { this.goods[i] = this.canonize(this.goods[i]) ; if ( this.goods[i].length < this.spoil_min ) this.spoil_min = this.goods[i].length ; if ( this.goods[i].length > this.spoil_max ) this.spoil_max = this.goods[i].length ; } document.write('<div class="spoiler">' + '<div class="spoil" onmouseover="spoil.length(event)">' + '<span class="spoil_tip"></span></div>' + '<div class="spoil" onmouseover="spoil.diff(event)">' + '<span class="spoil_tip"></span></div>' + '</div>' ); } Spoil.prototype.canonize = function(txt) { var t = [] ; txt = txt.replace(/ /g, '') ; for(var i=0; i<txt.length; i++) t.push(txt.substr(i, 1)) ; t.sort() ; return t.join('') ; } ; Spoil.prototype.answer = function(txt) { var f = document.getElementById('questionanswer') ; if ( ! f ) return ; var input = (f.getElementsByTagName("INPUT") || f.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA"))[0] ; return this.canonize(input.value) ; } ; = function(event, content) { var t = (event || window.event).target ; if ( t.className != 'spoil' ) return ; t.firstChild.innerHTML = content ; } ; Spoil.prototype.distance = function(a, b) { var r1 = 0 ; var r2 = 0 ; var ca, cb, miss_a = "", miss_b = "" ; a += '\uFFFF' ; b += '\uFFFF' ; while( r1 < a.length || r2 < b.length ) { ca = a.substr(r1, 1) ; cb = b.substr(r2, 1) ; if ( ca == cb ) { r1++ ; r2++ ; } else if ( ca < cb ) { miss_b += ca ; r1++ ; } else { miss_a += cb ; r2++ ; } } return [miss_a, miss_b] ; } Spoil.prototype.diff = function(event) { var answer = this.answer() ; if ( answer === undefined ) return ; var s = [] ; for(var i in this.goods) { var d = this.distance(answer, this.goods[i]) ; var x = '' ; if ( d[0] !== '' ) x += '<b style="color:#0A0">' + html(d[0]) + '</b>' ; if ( d[1] !== '' ) x += '<b style="color:#800">' + html(d[1]) + '</b>' ; if ( x !== '' ) s.push('<tr><td>' + d[0] + '<td>' + d[1] + '</tr>') ; } if ( s.length ), '<p class="spoil_diff"></p>' + '<table class="information_table" style="display:inline">' + '<tr><th><p class="spoil_miss"><th><p class="spoil_unexpected"></tr>' + s.join('') + '</table><p>'); else, '<p class="spoil_diff_ok"></p>'); } ; Spoil.prototype.length = function(event) { var answer = this.answer() ; if ( answer === undefined ) return ; if ( answer.length < this.spoil_min ), '<p class="spoil_less"> ' + (this.spoil_min - answer.length) + ' <span class="spoil_char"></span>') ; else if ( answer.length > this.spoil_max ), '<p class="spoil_more"> ' + (answer.length - this.spoil_max) + ' <span class="spoil_char"></span>') ; else, '<p class="spoil_ok"></p>'); } ; function set_spoiler(goods) { if ( goods.length == 0 ) return ; spoil = new Spoil(goods) ; }
Display the informations about the required questions.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
#display_tabheight: 9em; overflow: auto; background: #FFF ; padding-top: 0.4em ;
.box_contentpadding: 0.5em
DIV.beforeposition: absolute;top: 0px; left: 50% ;
DIV.contentposition: relative;
DIV.nameborder: 1px solid #BBB ; display: inline ; border-top-right-radius: 0.4em ; border-top-left-radius: 0.4em ; border-bottom: 0px ; margin-right: 0.2em ;
DIV.questionposition: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px ; right: 50% ;
DIV.tabdisplay: inline ;
DIV.tabsheight: 1.1em;
DIV.tabs DIV.answerdisplay: none
DIV.tabs DIV.contentdisplay: none
titleQuestions you have already answeredQuestions auxquelles vous avez déjà répondues
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
answerYour answer: Votre réponse :
tipYou will find here informations that may help you to answer the question. If you are stuck, think to read the informations displayed here.Souvent vous trouverez ici des informations pouvant vous aider à répondre à la question que l'on vous pose. Si vous êtes bloqué, pensez à relire les informations qui sont affichées ici.
javascript function goto_tab(t) { while ( t && t.className != "tab" ) t = t.parentNode ; if ( ! t ) return ; var selected = t ; while ( t.className != "tabs" ) t = t.parentNode ; for(var i = 0 ; i < t.childNodes.length; i++) { var e = t.childNodes[i] ; e.childNodes[0].style.background = ( e === selected ? "#FFF" : "#CCC") ; } document.getElementById("display_tab").innerHTML = selected.childNodes[1].outerHTML ; document.getElementById("display_answer").innerHTML = selected.childNodes[2].outerHTML ; }
Displays all the comments about the current question.
titleComments about this questionLes commentaires qui ont été déposés à propos de cette question
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
c0>SPANThe student commentLe texte du commentaire déposé par l'étudiant
c1>SPANStudent login, you can click to send a mail. The mail will be initialized with the question and its commentLe login de l'étudiant, vous pouvez cliquer pour lui envoyer un mail avec le rappel de la question et le contenu de son commentaire
c2>SPANThe comment dateLa date de dépôt du commentaire
Allow to grade and comment the good answers.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
/.question_correction_commenttext-decoration: underline;
/.question_correction_table IMGwidth: 8px; height: 8px; background: #F00; border: 0px
/.question_correction_table SPANwhite-space: pre ;
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
c0Student answerRéponse de l'étudiant
c0>SPANStudent answerRéponse de l'étudiant
c1>SPANClick on the grade you want to giveCliquer pour indiquer la note à lui donner
c2>SPANEnter a comment about the student answer.\A They can be sent to the student.Saisissez un commentaire sur sa réponse.\A Ces commentaire peuvent être envoyés aux étudiants..
question_correction_commentA teacher comment by: Un commentaire laissé par :
javascript function question_correction(event) { var input = event ? : window.event ; var url = "?question_correction=" + + "," + encode_uri(input.value) ; var img = document.createElement('IMG') ; img.src = url ; var td = input.parentNode ; if ( td.tagName != 'TD' ) td = td.parentNode ; = 'yellow' ; input.parentNode.appendChild(img) ; }
Displays all the bad answers given for a question.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
DIV.uncommentedbackground: #FAA; display: inline-block
DIV.uncommented PREbackground-color: #FAA ;
titleBad answers given to this questionLes mauvaises réponses données à cette question
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
c0>SPANQuestion text really asked with the randomizationTexte de la question posée.
c1Bad answer givenMauvaise réponse donnée par l'étudiant
c1>SPANIf the bad answer background is red\A this mean that it has not been comment.\A\A If there is '!!!' this means that the answer was not counted as good\A but after a questionnary modification it is now a valid answerSi la mauvaise réponse est sur fond rouge\A cela veux dire que l'étudiant n'a pas eu de commentaire.\A\AS'il y a des '!!!' c'est que sa réponse a été comptabilisée comme bonne\A mais que suite à une modification du système elle est maintenant considérée comme valide
c2The studentsLes étudiants
c2>SPANThe students that have given this bad answer\A In bold if they have not found the good answer\A Italic if they have asked a tipLes étudiants ayant donné cette mauvaise réponse\A En gras s'ils n'ont pas trouvé la bonne réponse\A En italique s'ils ont demandé un indice
Displays some statistics about the current question.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
> TABLE > TRvertical-align: top ;
Pmargin: 0.1em ;
titleQuestion statisticsStatistiques sur cette question
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
badBad answers Mauvaises réponse
commentComments Commentaires
givenSaw by Vues par
goodGood answers Bonnes réponse
indiceTip asked Indices demandés
timeMean time Temps moyen
viewDisplay Affichages
tipBracketed number indicates the mean value for student that saw the questionEntre parenthèses ce sont les moyennes pour tous les étudiants ayant vu la question
Display the students grades for a question sorted by answer
titleGrades for this questionNotes pour cette question
tipFor each teacher or competence, indicates the number of points gained or lostPour chaque enseignant ou compétence, indique le nombre de points en négatif ou positif.
Displays all the bad answers given for a question.
Displays the question Python source.
CSS selectorEnglishFrench
/BUTTON.save_source:beforecontent:'Save this source code in the question file'content:'Sauvegarder ce code dans le fichier source des questions'
/PRE.python_errorbackground: #F88; font-size:150%
javascript function encode_uri(t) { return encodeURI(t).replace(/\?/g, "%3F").replace(/#/g, "%23") .replace(/[.]/g, "%2E").replace(/;/g, "%3B").replace(/&/g, "%26") .replace(/\//g, "%2F").replace(/,/g, "%2C").replace(/[+]/g, '%2B') ; }

Plugin Attributes

Attribute nameDefault valueDocumentation
acls{}Define the default authorizations for each of the role/users. For example: {'Teacher': ('executable',) }. Currently only 'executable' capacity exists.
containerNoneThe name of the plugin containing the defined plugin.
content_is_titleNoneThe plugin execution value defines the box title.
css_attributes()These attributes are concatened in order to create the .css file. This attribute is defined as a list a strings containing a CSS selector and a value. All the selectors not starting by / are prefixed by: DIV.plugin_name.
execute<function <lambda> at 0xb6c54ecc>An evaluation function "lambda state, plugin, argument: None" The 'state' is the student session, 'plugin' is the plugin being evaluated, and 'parameter' is None or a string found in the URL. If this function returns a string, then the string is displayed in the user interface. If it returns a tuple Mime-Type + string then the answer is defined as a file of this type.
horizontalNoneIf True, the contained plugins are placed horizontaly
javascript''The javascript attributes for all the plugins are concatened in order to create the .js file.
linkNoneIf not None, then the plugin value become a link to the indicated URL
link_to_selfNoneIf True, set "link" attribute so when clicked the plugin will be called with '1' parameter value.
not_threadedFalseIf set to True, the page is created in a non threaded environment. For example the 'reload_question' plugin. Slow plugin must disable themselve when running in a non threaded page, for exemple the 'question_bads' plugin.
option_defaultNoneDefault value for the option
option_help'No help'Explanation of the option usage
option_nameNoneThe option name used on the command line
option_set<function set_option at 0xb6c54c8c>A function parsing the option value
permanent_aclFalseIf True, then the user can not lost the capacity to use this plugin even when switching of role.
priority_display0The position of the plugin in the display. It can be a integer or another plugin name. If the plugin name is prefixed by '-' then the current plugin is displayed before the indicated plugin. If a plugin name is used, then the 2 plugins are in the same container.
priority_display_intNoneDo not define in plugin. It is computed from "priority_display"
priority_execute0Define the order of plugin execution. It takes the same values than the 'priority_display' attribute.
priority_execute_intNoneDo not define in plugin. It is computed from "priority_execute"
prototypeNoneA plugin name from which all the default attributes values will be taken.
sort_column1The default sort column number if the plugin displays a table.
widthNoneColumn width for horizontal plugin

Plugin CSS Attributes

These attributes values are concatened into the CSS file.
Attribute nameCSS nameCSS selectorDocumentation
aftercontent>A:first-child.content:afterText to be displayed after the plugin content. This text is localisable.
backgroundbackground>TABLE>TBODY>TR>TDBackground color of the plugin content.
beforecontent>A:first-child.content:beforeText to be displayed before the plugin content. This text is localisable.
colorcolor>AText color of the plugin content.
font_sizefont-sizeFont size of the plugin content.
text_aligntext-alignHorizontal alignment of the plugin content.
tipcontent>A:first-child.content> SPAN:beforeThe tip content. This text is localisable.
titlecontent>A:first-child.content>.box_title:beforeThe box title
title_backgroundbackground>A>EM.box_titleBackground color of the box title.
translationscontent .%s:beforeA dictionary where the key is the CSS selector and the value the style. If the selector starts by // then it applies to the "heart" plugin.